Cost: $15
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Je Tsongkhapa Kadampa Buddhist Center
1070 Tunnel Road, Bldg 2, Unit 20
Asheville, NC 28805
About this event
Self-confidence is not a quality that we either have or we don’t have. In fact, it is a state of mind that can be cultivated. By applying Buddha’s teachings on the mind we come to discover that our insecurities are based on mistaken apprehensions of ourselves. As a result, we end up identifying with our limitations. Learning to let go of inhibiting insecurities and instead identifying with our potential will naturally empower us in all our activities. Through identifying with this authentic self confidence we can then use it to bring about the deeper changes that we long for. In this way we begin to be the confident, joyful, loving person we truly wish to be.
Kelsang Tabkay is an American Buddhist Monk and is currently serving as the Education Program Coordinator at Kadampa Meditation Center North Carolina. KelsangTabkay has taught Modern Buddhism and Meditation extensively in South Carolina, and prior to returning to the South, he served as the Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Center Pheonix. He has also led many retreats at the International Kadampa Retreat Center, Grand Canyon. His ability to convey Buddha's teachings with warmth, sincerity and insight has been is a source of inspiration to many who have had the opportunity to hear him teach.
Je Tsongkhapa Kadampa Buddhist Center
1070 Tunnel Road, Bldg 2, Unit 20
Asheville, NC 28805
(828) 668-2241
© 2024 Je Tsongkhapa KBC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.