Buddhism teaches that to find lasting happiness and meaning in our lives we need to train our mind by following a spiritual path. To make progress and have success in our practice, we need a teacher and community, also called Sangha, and a regular meditation practice.
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche designed three special spiritual programs for the systematic study and practice of Kadampa Buddhism that are especially suited to the modern world: General Program, Foundation Program & Teacher Training Program.
"To increase our wisdom arisen from listening we need to listen to correct instructions from fully qualified Spiritual Guides, read authentic Dharma books and discuss what we have heard. Wisdom arisen from contemplation arises from reflecting again and again upon what we have heard and understood, and wisdom arisen from meditation arises from meditating on what we have heard and contemplated. We need to keep increasing these three wisdoms continuously until we attain enlightenment." ~ Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, Joyful Path of Good Fortune
The General Program (GP) is open to everyone regardless of previous experience or background. These classes provide a basic introduction to meditation and Buddha’s teachings that are suitable for beginners. The purpose of these classes is to help people gain a personal experience of inner peace, overcome daily problems, and find real lasting happiness from within. A typical class consists of a guided meditation, a teaching based on the meditation topic, a “turn-and-talk” discussion and a final meditation.
The Foundation Program (FP) is designed for people who wish to deepen their understanding and experience of Kadampa Buddhism through a systematic study of essential Buddhist commentaries by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. Through studying systematically we can improve our good heart, our wisdom, and our cherishing of others by going deeper into our understanding and practice.
The Teacher Training Program (TTP) is designed for those who wish to train as qualified New Kadampa Tradition Teachers. In addition to completing the study of fourteen texts of Sutra and Tantra, including the six texts studied on the Foundation Program, students are required to observe certain commitments with regard to behavior and way of life, and to complete a number of meditation retreats.
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